Monday 21 March 2011

Research Task


Non renewable and renewable

Non renewable resources are things with a finite amount so once they are all gone they wont comeback, in the past the amount of these resources has not been important but as the population increases and more resources are being used from dwindling use of renewable resources is increasing, to deal with the increasing used of these valuable resources manufacturers of packaging have come up with the 6 R’s to reduce the amount of recourses used. They are to reduce the amount of packaging used. To refuse extra packaging. To repair broken items, instead of buying new things. To recycle broken or used up things if it can not be repaired, and to rethink the way we live to respect the resources we have left.

Carbon footprint

Every where we drive every thing we produce even when we breathe we leave a carbon foot print, the more CO2 you produce the bigger you carbon footprint. Many material and product travel along way to the consumer and factories where the materials are made. This transporting increases the products carbon foot print. Because of this consumers should buy locally produced products like getting British meat.

Fair trade

Fair trade is normal more expensive but more of the money goes to the growers of the food, buying fair trade food you are supporting the local community in three ways, social development, economic development and environmental development.

Monday 7 March 2011

ad for sony vaio c series


Printing techniques

final logo

logo development

company history- Sony

For my Re-Design of a logo task I will do ‘sony’.
 The Sony name was created by combining "SONUS," the original Latin for "SONIC," meaning sound, with "SONNY," denoting small size, or a youthful boy. After the second world war Masaru Ibuka started a radio repair shop in the bombed city of in Tokyo. On may 7th 1946. it then relcaed the first commercially available transistor radio.

In 1993, Sony challenged the industry standard Dolby Digital 5.1 surround sound format with a newer and more advanced proprietary motion picture digital audio format called SDDS. This format employed eight channels of audio opposed to just six used in Dolby Digital 5.1 at the time. Unlike Dolby Digital, SDDS utilized a method of backup by having mirrored arrays of bits on both sides of the film which acted as a measure of reliability in case the film was partially damaged. Ultimately, SDDS has been vastly overshadowed by the preferred DTS  and Dolby Digital standards in the motion picture industry. SDDS was solely developed for use in the theatre circuit; Sony never intended to develop a home theatre version of SDDS.

The Slimline PlayStation 2 with controllerIn 1998, Sony launched their Memory Stick format; flash memory cards for use in Sony lines of digital cameras and portable music players. It has seen little support outside of Sony's own products with Secure Digital cards (SD) commanding considerably greater popularity. This is due in part to the SD format's greater throughput, higher capacities, and significantly lower price per unit capacity compared to Memory Sticks available at the same time. Sony has made updates to the Memory Stick format with Memory Stick Duo and Memory Stick Micro.

Sony was one of the leading developers and remains one of the strongest proponents of the Blu-ray Disc optical disc format, which eventually emerged as the market leader over the competing standard, Toshiba's HD DVD, after a 2 year-long format war. The first Blu-ray players became available in June 2006, and Sony's first player, the Sony BDP-S1, arrived in December 2006 with an MSRP of US $999.95. By the end of 2007 the format had the backing of every major motion picture studio except Universal, Paramount, and Dreamworks.The Blu-ray format's popularity continued to increase, solidifying its position as the dominant HD media format, and Toshiba announced its decision to stop supporting HD DVD on 19 February 2008.

I am redesigning this brand because it think that it is boarding and need to come into the 21st century as it has not changed since 1946 when the company was founded.